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Chris Chandler, M.Ed.

Coordinator, Casework and Clinical Training

Mr. Chandler graduated from WTAMU in 1993 with his Masters in Professional counseling. In 1998 he came to Boys Ranch as a Community Director and then went on to be Director of counseling services for four years. He was introduced to Life Space Crisis Intervention in the spring of 2002 and became very excited about the therapeutic and life changing results he began to have with the children in care. The results were much quicker than traditional techniques learned in school. Mr. Chandler became a Senior Instructor in LSCI and moved to the training department. He believes that all staff at Cal Farley’s counsels with children. His heart’s hope is to train as many people as he can in strength based intervention techniques so every staff will have the skills to reach hurting children inside and outside of our agency.



Cal Farley's Distance Education offers courses in Childcare and Professional Development designed and developed by experts in child development, psychology and management. In addition, we offer specialized courses taught by our own team of nationally recognized instructors.

Mark Strother, M.A., Senior Vice-President of Residential Services.
Jim Taylor, M.S., Director of Training.
Chris Chandler, M.Ed.
Patricia S. Allen, L.S.W.
Reeves Easley-McPherson, B.G.S.
Yvonne Mays, MOS
Terry Cooper, M.S.W., Institute Director
Bekah Westover, M.S.
Holly Novak, B.B.A.
Cristina Ray, B.A.