Educational Resources
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Educational Resources

The Cal Farley Organization provides training that enables personnel to enhance their knowledge, skills, and capabilities; and ensures that personnel are appropriately trained to assume their responsibilities.


Life Space Crisis Intervention (LSCI)

Life Space Crisis Intervention (LSCI) is a therapeutic strategy for using crisis situations as opportunities to help individuals learn alternatives to patterns of aggressive, disrespectful, or self-demeaning behavior.  LSCI focuses on chronic patterns of self-defeating behavior that often do not respond to traditional behavior management such as:

  • “Imported” conflicts from outside the current environment

  • Distorted thinking

  • Social skills deficits

  • Destructive peer influence and bullying

  • Conflicts with authority and anti-social values

  • Self blame and self-destructive behavior

Adults and youth, in respectful alliances, explore the logic, values and goals that perpetuate these self-defeating patterns.  The goal is to help young persons develop clear thinking and pro-social behavior.


Response Ability Pathways (RAP)

Response Ability Pathways – or simply RAP – provides essential strength-based strategies for all who deal with young persons in family, school, or community. RAP is an application of the Circle of Courage model of positive youth development described by Larry Brendtro, Martin Brokenleg and Steve Van Bockern in their book Reclaiming Youth at Risk. According to Dr. Martin Brokenleg, RAP applies Circle of Courage principles to help all young people develop belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity.


RAP methods are grounded in research evidence on resilience, brain science, and positive psychology. This training offers practical methods providing positive behavior support and creating climates of respect in schools and youth programs.


Contact Information:

For more information about Cal Farley's Training or to request Training, contact the Training Department at

For Website Support, contact Holly Novak, Knowledge Specialist,
Campus Support Center, Amarillo, TX     806.322.2527

For Educational Services, contact:
Jim Taylor, Director of Training,
Campus Support Center, Amarillo, TX     806.322.2564


Updated: June 20, 2007


Cal Farley's Distance Education offers courses in Childcare and Professional Development designed and developed by experts in child development, psychology and management. In addition, we offer specialized courses taught by our own team of nationally recognized instructors.

Mark Strother, M.A., Senior Vice-President of Residential Services.

Jim Taylor, M.S., Director of Training.

Chris Chandler, M.Ed.

Reeves Easley-McPherson, B.G.S.

Yvonne Mays, MOS

Terry Cooper, M.S.W., Institute Director

Bekah Westover, M.S.

Holly Novak, B.B.A.

Cristina Ray, B.A.