Cal Farley's Institute for Child and Family Asset Development
Since Terry Cooper’s parents were career child care professionals, he has lived or worked on residential campuses for most of his life. The University of Texas at Austin granted him a Masters of Social Work diploma in 1993. He attended Palmer Seminary in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania in 1995. Following this, he was a senior member of the national team, based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, which developed the Bush Administration’s first national faith-based initiative, the Amachi Mentoring Program for children of incarcerated parents. He was an assistant administrator for Cal Farley’s for the Cal Farley’s Family Program at Borger, and is now the director of the Cal Farley's Institute.
Mr. Cooper has been married to Monya Cooper since 1978. She is employed as a caseworker by Children’s Protective Services. He has two daughters, Andrea, 22, and Gina, 25. |